Coronary interventions
Uninterrupted oral anticoagulation versus bridging in patients with long-term oral anticoagulation during percutaneous coronary intervention: subgroup analysis from the WOEST trial
Dewilde W, Janssen P, Kelder J, Verheugt F, de Smet B, Adriaenssens T, Vrolix M, Brueren G, Vandendriessche T, van Mieghem C, Cornelis K, Vos J, Breet N, ten Berg JM
Predictors of adverse events among patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention: insights from a pooled analysis of the COMFORTABLE AMI and EXAMINATION trials
Taniwaki M, Stefanini G, Räber L, Brugaletta S, Cequier A, Heg D, Iñiguez A, Kelbæk H, Serra A, Ostojic M, Hernández-Antolín R, Baumbach A, Blochlinger S, Jüni P, Mainar V, Sabaté M, Windecker S
Incidence, predictors, and impact of neurological events in non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: the ACUITY trial
Généreux P, Bernard S, Palmerini T, Caixeta A, Rosner G, Reiss G, Xu K, Mehran R, Stone GW
Anatomically correct three-dimensional coronary artery reconstruction using frequency domain optical coherence tomographic and angiographic data: head-to-head comparison with intravascular ultrasound for endothelial shear stress assessment in humans
Papafaklis M, Bourantas C, Yonetsu T, Vergallo R, Kotsia A, Nakatani S, Lakkas L, Athanasiou L, Naka K, Fotiadis D, Feldman C, Stone P, Serruys PW, Jang I-K, Michalis L
Efficacy of contrast medium induced Pd/Pa ratio in predicting functional significance of intermediate coronary artery stenosis assessed by fractional flow reserve: insights from the RINASCI study
Leone AM, Scalone G, De Maria G, Tagliaferro F, Gardi A, Clemente F, Basile E, Cialdella P, De Caterina A, Porto I, Aurigemma C, Burzotta F, Niccoli G, Trani C, Rebuzzi A, Crea F
Preclinical randomised safety, efficacy and physiologic study of the silicon dioxide inert-coated Axetis and bare metal stent: short-, mid- and long-term outcome
Pavo N, Syeda B, Bernhart A, Szentirmai E, Hemetsberger R, Samaha E, Plass C, Zlabinger K, Pavo I, Petrasi Z, Petnehazy O, Hoerstrup S, Maurer G, Gyöngyösi M
A suspicious calcium spike
Garcia-Blas S, Nunez J, Mainar L, Munoz J, Martin I, Domenech A, Guillen A, Larman M, Sanchis J
Interventions for structural heart disease
The effect of coronary artery disease defined by quantitative coronary angiography and SYNTAX score upon outcome after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) using the Edwards bioprosthesis
Khawaja M, Asrress K, Haran H, Arri S, Nadra I, Bolter K, Wilson K, Clack L, Hancock J, Young C, Bapat VN, Thomas M, Redwood S
Heart-rate adjustment of transcatheter haemodynamics improves the prognostic evaluation of paravalvular regurgitation after transcatheter aortic valve implantation
Jilaihawi H, Chakravarty T, Shiota T, Rafique A, Harada K, Shibayama K, Doctor N, Kashif M, Nakamura M, Mirocha J, Rami T, Okuyama K, Cheng W, Sadruddin O, Siegel R, Makkar R