
Aug 15, 2010
Pre-hospital administration of tirofiban in diabetic patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary angioplasty: a sub-analysis of the On-Time 2 trial
Timmer J, ten Berg JM, Heestermans A, Dill T, van Werkum J, Dambrink J, Suryapranata H, Ottervanger J, Hamm C, van 't Hof AW

10.4244/EIJV6I2A27 Jun 30, 2010
The radial approach: en route to routine?
Doganov A

10.4244/EIJV6I2A28 Jun 30, 2010
Unplanned redundant publications: a consequence of too many cardiovascular journals?
Heras M, Avanzas P, Bayés-Genis A, Pan M, de Isla L, Sanchis J

10.4244/EIJV6I2A29 Jun 30, 2010
Duplicate meta-analyses on coronary bifurcation strategies: when more is less?
Biondi-Zoccai G

Jun 30, 2010
Scientific societies and clinical trials
Di Mario C, James S, Ludman P, Windecker S, Sabaté M

10.4244/EIJV7I6A31 Jun 30, 2010
Percutaneous coronary interventions in Europe in 2006
Moschovitis A, Cook S, Meier B

Jun 30, 2010
A randomised comparison of novolimus-eluting and zotarolimus-eluting coronary stents: 9-month follow-up results of the EXCELLA II study
Serruys PW, Garg S, Abizaid A, Ormiston J, Windecker S, Verheye S, Dubois C, Stewart J, Hauptmann K, Schofer J, Stangl K, Witzenbichler B, Wiemer M, Barbato E, de Vries T, Drijver A-M, Otake H, Meredith L, Toyloy S, Fitzgerald P

Jun 30, 2010
The impact of bivalirudin on percutaneous coronary intervention-related bleeding
Lindsey J, Cohen D, Stolker J, Mehta SR, Mahoney E, Robertus K, House J, Kennedy KK, Riggs L, Rao SV, Marso S

Jun 30, 2010
Percutaneous closure of ruptured sinus of Valsalva aneurysms: intermediate term follow-up results
Sivadasanpillai H, Valaparambil A, Sivasubramonian S, Mahadevan K, Sasidharan B, Namboodiri N, Thomas T, Jaganmohan T

Jun 30, 2010
PLAATO (Percutaneous Left Atrial Appendage Transcatheter Occlusion) for prevention of cardioembolic stroke in non-anticoagulation eligible atrial fibrillation patients: results from the European PLAATO study
Bayard Y-L, Omran H, Neuzil P, Thuesen L, Pichler M, Rowland E, Ramondo A, Ruzyllo W, Budts W, Montalescot G, Brugada P, Serruys PW, Vahanian A, Piéchaud JF, Bartorelli AL, Marco J, Probst P, Kuck K, Ostermayer S, Büscheck F, Fischer E, Leetz M, Sievert H

Jun 30, 2010
The twelve-month outcomes of a biolimus eluting stent with a biodegradable polymer compared with a sirolimus eluting stent with a durable polymer
Garg S, Sarno G, Serruys PW, de Vries T, Buszman P, Linke A, Ischinger T, Klauss V, Eberli F, Corti R, Wijns W, Morice M, Di Mario C, van Geuns R, Eerdmans P, Van Es G-A, Meier B, Jüni P, Windecker S

Jun 30, 2010
Identifying factors that predict the choice and success rate of radial artery catheterisation in contemporary real world cardiology practice: a sub-analysis of the PREVAIL study data
Pristipino C, Roncella A, Trani C, Nazzaro M, Berni A, Di Sciascio G, Sciahbasi A, Musaró S, Pietro Pietro Mazzarotto P, Gioffrè G, Speciale G

Jun 30, 2010
Adjusted Weight Anticoagulation for Radial approach in Elective coronarography: the AWARE coronarography study
Schiano P, Barbou F, Chenilleau MC, Louembe J, Monsegu J
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