
Apr 20, 2011
Retrospective image-based gating of intracoronary optical coherence tomography: implications for quantitative analysis
Sihan K, Botha C, Post F, de Winter S, Gonzalo N, Regar E, Serruys PW, Hamers R, Bruining N

Apr 20, 2011
USage of chitosan for Femoral (USF) haemostasis after percutaneous procedures: a comparative open label study
Arbel J, Rozenbaum E, Reges O, Neuman Y, Levi A, Erel J, Haskia A, Caneti M, Sherf M, Mosseri M

Apr 20, 2011
Comparison between the first and second generation bioresorbable vascular scaffolds: a six month virtual histology study
Brugaletta S, Garcia-Garcia H, Diletti R, Gomez-Lara J, Garg S, Onuma Y, Shin E, van Geuns R, De Bruyne B, Dudek D, Thuesen L, Chevalier B, McClean D, Windecker S, Whitbourn R, Dorange C, Veldhof S, Rapoza R, Sudhir K, Bruining N, Ormiston J, Serruys PW

Apr 20, 2011
Clinical expert consensus document on standards for acquisition, measurement and reporting of intravascular ultrasound regression/progression studies
Mintz GS, Garcia-Garcia H, Nicholls S, Weissman N, Bruining N, Crowe T, Tardif J-C, Serruys PW

Apr 20, 2011
How should I treat a long and huge coronary pseudoaneurysm after spontaneous coronary artery dissection?
Furuichi S, Montorfano M, Godino C, Murino M, Sangiorgi G, Colombo A

Mar 21, 2011
A guide to interpreting and assessing the performance of prediction models
Farooq V, Brugaletta S, Vranckx P, Serruys PW

Mar 21, 2011
A prospective evaluation of the safety and efficacy of TAXUS Element paclitaxel-eluting coronary stent implantation for the treatment of de novo coronary artery lesions in small vessels: the PERSEUS Small Vessel trial
Cannon L, Kereiakes D, Mann T, Popma J, Mooney M, Mishkel G, Lee T, Wilson B, Stuckey T, Orlow S, McGarry T, Ring M, Kellett M, Underwood P, Dawkins K

Mar 21, 2011
The outcome of bifurcation lesion stenting using a biolimuseluting stent with a bio-degradable polymer compared to a sirolimus-eluting stent with a durable polymer
Garg S, Wykrzykowska JJ, Serruys PW, de Vries T, Buszman P, Trznadel S, Linke A, Lenk K, Ischinger T, Klauss V, Eberli F, Corti R, Wijns W, Morice M, Di Mario C, Tyczynski P, van Geuns R, Eerdmans P, Van Es G-A, Meier B, Jüni P, Windecker S

Mar 21, 2011
Risk-benefit trade-offs in revascularisation choices
Federspiel J, Stearns S, van Domburg R, Sheridan B, Lund J, Serruys PW
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The Official Journal of EuroPCR and the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI)

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