
10.4244/EIJV8I1A9 May 15, 2012
First-in-man experience with a new embolic deflection device in transcatheter aortic valve interventions
Onsea K, Agostoni P, Samim M, Voskuil M, Kluin J, Budde R, Hendrikse J, Ramjankhan F, van Klarenbosch J, Doesburg P, Sieswerda G, Stella P

10.4244/EIJV8I1A10 May 15, 2012
First experience with endovascular ultrasound renal denervation for the treatment of resistant hypertension
Mabin T, Sapoval M, Cabane V, Stemmett J, Iyer M

10.4244/EIJV8I1A11 May 15, 2012
Cerebrovascular accidents complicating transcatheter aortic valve implantation: frequency, timing and impact on outcomes
Stortecky S, Windecker S, Pilgrim T, Heg D, Buellesfeld L, Khattab A, Huber C, Gloekler S, Nietlispach F, Mattle H, Jüni P, Wenaweser P

10.4244/EIJV8I1A12 May 15, 2012
Does the site of bleeding matter? A stratified analysis on location of TIMI-graded bleedings and their impact on 12-month outcome in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
Vranckx P, Campo G, Anselmi M, Bolognese L, Colangelo S, Biondi-Zoccai G, Moreno R, Piva T, Favero L, Prati F, Nazzaro M, Fern J, Ferrari R, Valgimigli M

10.4244/EIJV8I1A13 May 15, 2012
Coronary perforation in the drug-eluting stent era: incidence, risk factors, management and outcome: the UK experience
Hendry C, Fraser D, Eichhöfer J, Mamas MA, Fath-Ordoubadi F, El-Omar M, Williams P

10.4244/EIJV8I1A14 May 15, 2012
Impact of age on clinical outcomes after everolimus-eluting and paclitaxel-eluting stent implantation: pooled analysis from the SPIRIT III and SPIRIT IV clinical trials
Hermiller J, Sudhir K, Applegate R, Rizvi A, Wang J, Gordon P, Yaqub M, Cao S, Ferguson J, Smith R, Sood P, MPhil M, Stone GW

10.4244/EIJV8I1A15 May 15, 2012
Percutaneous closure of atrial right-to-left shunt in patients with Ebstein’s anomaly of the tricuspid valve
Silva M, Teixeira A, Menezes I, Nogueira G, Ferreira R, Maymone-Martins F, Anjos R

10.4244/EIJV8I1A16 May 15, 2012
Offline fusion of co-registered intravascular ultrasound and frequency domain optical coherence tomography images for the analysis of human atherosclerotic plaques
Räber L, Heo J, Radu M, Garcia-Garcia H, Stefanini G, Moschovitis A, Dijkstra J, Kelbæk H, Windecker S, Serruys PW

10.4244/EIJV8I1A17 May 15, 2012
Clinical performance of a drug-eluting stent with a biodegradable polymer in an unselected patient population: the NOBORI 2 study
Danzi G, Chevalier B, Urban P, Fath-Ordoubadi F, Carrié D, Wiemer M, Serra A, Wijns W, Kala P, Stabile A, Ruigomez J, Sagic D, Laanmets P, Strupp G, West N, Paunovic D

10.4244/EIJV8I1A18 May 15, 2012
Late clinical outcomes after implantation of drug-eluting stents coated with biodegradable polymers: 3-year follow-up of the PAINT randomised trial
Lemos P, Moulin B, Perin M, Oliveira L, Arruda J, Lima V, Lima A, Caramori P, Medeiros C, Barbosa M, Brito F, Ribeiro E

10.4244/EIJV8I1A19 May 15, 2012
Virtual and real bench testing of a new percutaneous valve device: a case study
Biglino G, Capelli C, Binazzi A, Reggiani R, Cosentino D, Migliavacca F, Bonhoeffer P, Taylor A, Schievano S

10.4244/EIJV8I1A20 May 15, 2012
Risk of stroke after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI): a meta-analysis of 10,037 published patients
Eggebrecht H, Schmermund A, Voigtl T, Kahlert P, Erbel R, Mehta R

10.4244/EIJV8I1A21 May 15, 2012
Recanalisation of Chronic Total coronary Occlusions: 2012 consensus document from the EuroCTO club
Sianos G, Werner G, Galassi A, Papafaklis M, Escaned J, Hildick-Smith D, Christiansen E, Gershlick A, Carlino M, Karlas A, Konstantinidis N, Tomasello S, Di Mario C, Reifart N

10.4244/EIJV8I1A22 May 15, 2012
Improving informed consent in percutaneous coronary revascularisation
Bromage D, Lim J, ter Meulen R, Ramcharitar S

10.4244/EIJV8I1A23 May 15, 2012
How should I treat guidewire-induced distal coronary perforation?
Senguttuvan N, Ramakrishnan S, Gulati G, Seth S, Bhargava B
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