
10.4244/EIJV8I2A38 Jun 27, 2012
Adjusting a polymer formulation for an optimal bioresorbable stent: a 6-month follow-up study
Durand E, Lemitre M, Couty L, Sharkawi T, Brasselet C, Vert M, Lafont A

10.4244/EIJV8I2A40 Jun 27, 2012
The SURTAVI model: proposal for a pragmatic risk stratification for patients with severe aortic stenosis
Van Mieghem NM, Head S, van der Boon R, Piazza N, de Jaegere P, Carrel T, Kappetein A, Lange R, Walther T, Windecker S, Van Es G-A, Serruys PW

10.4244/EIJV8I2A41 Jun 27, 2012
Longitudinal stent deformation: a retrospective analysis of frequency and mechanisms
Williams P, Mamas MA, Morgan K, El-Omar M, Clarke B, Bainbridge A, Fath-Ordoubadi F, Fraser D

10.4244/EIJV8I2A42 Jun 27, 2012
Engineering assessment of the longitudinal compression behaviour of contemporary coronary stents
Prabhu S, Schikorr T, Mahmoud T, Jacobs J, Potgieter A, Simonton C

10.4244/EIJV8I2A44 Jun 27, 2012
Stent longitudinal distortion: strut separation (pseudo-fracture) and strut compression (“concertina” effect)
Bartorelli AL, Andreini D, Pontone G, Trabattoni D, Ferrari C, Mushtaq S, Ormiston J

10.4244/EIJV8I1A1 May 15, 2012
Pockets full of good news in the Age of Reason
Serruys PW

10.4244/EIJV8I1A2 May 15, 2012
“Le mélange des genres” – Mixing genres
Moret J

10.4244/EIJV8I1A3 May 15, 2012
When the doctor needs an engineer to be the matchmaker
Patel P, Chen Z

10.4244/EIJV8I1A4 May 15, 2012
Embolic protection devices during TAVI – the “proof of the pudding”
Van Mieghem NM, Serruys PW

10.4244/EIJV8I1A5 May 15, 2012
The “Year of the Textbook”: a new centre of gravity
Fajadet J

10.4244/EIJV8I1A7 May 15, 2012
Implementation of primary angioplasty in Europe: Stent for Life initiative progress report
Kristensen SD, Fajadet J, Di Mario C, Kaifoszova Z, Laut K, Deleanu D, Gilard M, Guagliumi G, Goktekin O, Jorgova J, Kanakakis J, Ostojic M, Pereira H, Sabaté M, Sobhy M, Vrints C, Wijns W, Widimský P

10.4244/EIJV8I1A8 May 15, 2012
First-in-man use of a novel embolic protection device for patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation
Naber CK, Ghanem A, Abizaid A, Wolf A, Sinning J, Werner N, Nickenig G, Schmitz T, Grube E
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