This month looks at the future feasibility of long-distance telestenting in ex vivo and in vivo models; the impact of diabetes and outcomes following de-escalation of antiplatelet treatment in ACS patients undergoing PCI from the TROPICAL-ACS trial; another trial focussing on standard vs ultrasound-guided radial and femoral access in coronary angiography and interventions (SURF); transcatheter therapy for residual mitral regurgitation after MitraClip therapy and an examnination of prosthetic valve endocarditis (PVE) after TAVR and SAVR - from the FinnValve Registry.
Interventions for valvular disease and heart failure
Prosthetic valve endocarditis after transcatheter or surgical aortic valve replacement with a bioprosthesis: results from the FinnValve Registry
Moriyama N, Laakso T, Biancari F, Raivio P, Jalava M, Jaakkola J, Dahlbacka S, Kinnunen E, Juvonen T, Husso A, Niemelä M, Ahvenvaara T, Tauriainen T, Virtanen M, Maaranen P, Eskola M, Rosato S, Mäkikallio T, Savontaus M, Valtola A, Anttila V, Airaksinen J, Laine M
Coronary interventions
Feasibility of robotic telestenting over long geographic distances: a pre-clinical ex vivo and in vivo study
Madder R, VanOosterhout S, Mulder A, Bush J, Martin S, Rash A, Tan J, Parker J, Li Y, Kottenstette N, Bergman P, Nowak B
Diabetes and outcomes following guided de-escalation of antiplatelet treatment in acute coronary syndrome patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: a pre-specified analysis from the randomised TROPICAL-ACS trial
Hein R, Gross L, Aradi D, Rieber J, Hadamitzky M, Merkely B, Huczek Z, Ince H, Hummel A, Baylacher M, Massberg S, Trenk D, Sibbing D
Standard versus ultrasound-guided radial and femoral access in coronary angiography and intervention (SURF): a randomised controlled trial
Nguyen P, Makris A, Hennessy A, Jayanti S, Wang A, Park K, Chen V, Nguyen T, Lo S, Xuan W, Leung M, Juergens C
Does an occluded RCA affect prognosis in patients undergoing PCI or CABG for left main coronary artery disease? Analysis from the EXCEL trial
Chen S, Karmpaliotis D, Redfors B, Shlofmitz E, Ben-Yehuda O, Crowley A, Mehdipoor G, Puskas J, Kandzari D, Banning A, Morice M, Taggart D, Sabik J, Serruys PW, Kappetein A, Stone GW
Validation of the updated logistic clinical SYNTAX score for all-cause mortality in the GLOBAL LEADERS trial
Chichareon P, Onuma Y, van Klaveren D, Modolo R, Kogame N, Takahashi K, Chang C, Tomaniak M, Asano T, Katagiri Y, van Geuns R, Bolognese L, Tumscitz C, Vrolix M, Petrov I, Garg S, Naber CK, Sabaté M, Iqbal J, Wykrzykowska JJ, Piek J, Spitzer E, Jüni P, Hamm C, Steg G, Valgimigli M, Vranckx P, Windecker S, Serruys PW
Prasugrel monotherapy after PCI with the SYNERGY stent in patients with chronic stable angina or stabilised acute coronary syndromes: rationale and design of the ASET pilot study
Kogame N, Modolo R, Tomaniak M, Cavalcante R, de Martino F, Tinoco J, Ribeiro E, Mehran R, Campos C, Onuma Y, Lemos P, Serruys PW
Derivation and external validation of a novel risk score for prediction of 30-day mortality after percutaneous coronary intervention
Brener S, Leon MB, Serruys PW, Smits PC, von Birgelen C, Mehran R, Kirtane AJ, Witzenbichler B, Rinaldi M, Metzger C, Mazzaferri E, Zhang Z, Stone GW