This issue of EuroIntervention has an ESC/EAPCI consensus paper on catheter-directed therapies for the treatment of acute pulmonary embolism as a complement to current guidelines including a review of current treatment options, standardising patient selection; a comparison of catheter-directed thrombolysis (CDT) to standard anticoagulation therapy in treating medium to high-risk acute pulmonary embolisms. In coronary interventions, a study using a pre-treatment of evolocumab in addition to statins as an adjunctive preventive therapy to prevent periprocedural microvascular dysfunction after PCI; The AVIATOR-2 international registry looking at subjective physician vs patient perception of AF-PCI antithrombotic strategies; the prognostic relevance and safety of intracoronary provocative testing with acetylcholine in INOCA and MINOCA patients. In interventions for hypertension: the 3-year results from the RADIANCE-HTN SOLO trial looking at the durability of ultrasound renal denervation in treating resistant hypertension; the measurement of arterial stiffness as a predictor of responsiveness to renal denervation and improving patient selection for RDN; and more...
Chandrasekhar J, Baber U, Sartori S, Goel R, Nicolas J, Vogel B, Snyder C, Kini A, Briguori C, Witzenbichler B, Iakovou I, Sardella G, Marzo K, DeFranco A, Stuckey T, Chieffo A, Colombo A, Shlofmitz RA, Capodanno D, Dangas G, Pocock S, Mehran R
Montone R, Rinaldi R, Del Buono M, Gurgoglione F, La Vecchia G, Russo M, Caffè A, Burzotta F, Leone AM, Romagnoli E, Sanna T, Pelargonio G, Trani C, Lanza GA, Niccoli G, Crea F