
Feb 25, 2010
Cost effectiveness of coronary revascularisation
Birim O, Bogers A, Kappetein A

Feb 25, 2010
Minutes and Handbooks
Di Mario C

Feb 25, 2010
Gender-based issues in interventional cardiology: a consensus statement from the Women in Innovations (WIN) initiative
Chieffo A, Hoye A, Mauri F, Mikhail G, Ammerer M, Grines CL, Grinfeld L, Madan M, Presbitero P, Skelding K, Weiner B, Mehran R

Feb 25, 2010
The influence of gender on short- and long-term outcome after primary PCI and delivered medical care for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
Sjauw K, Stegenga N, Engstrom A, van der Schaaf R, Vis MM, Macleod A, Baan Jr J, Koch K, de Winter R, Thijssen J, Piek J, Henriques J

Feb 25, 2010
Sex-related differences in patients undergoing percutaneous unprotected left main stenting
Sheiban I, La Spina C, Cavallero E, Biondi-Zoccai G, Colombo F, Palmerini T, Marzocchi A, Tamburino C, Margheri M, Vecchi G, Sangiorgi G, Santarelli A, Bartorelli AL, Briguori C, Vignali L, di Pede F, Ramondo A, Fantoni C, De Carlo M, Falsini G, Benassi A, Palmieri C, Filippone V, Sangiorgi D, De Servi S

Feb 25, 2010
Szabo technique versus conventional angiographic placement in bifurcations 010-001 of Medina and in aorto-ostial stenting: angiographic and procedural results
Gutiérrez-Chico J-L, Villanueva-Benito I, Villanueva-Montoto L, Vázquez-Fernández S, Kleinecke C, Gielen S, Iñiguez A

Jan 15, 2010
The times, they are a-changing... constantly!
Serruys PW

Jan 15, 2010
Bleeding after coronary stenting in patients on oral anticoagulation: who is guilty?
Rubboli A, Schlitt A, Airaksinen J, Lip G

Jan 15, 2010
Thirty-day outcome and vascular complications after transarterial aortic valve implantation using both Edwards SAPIEN™ and Medtronic CoreValve® bioprostheses in a mixed population
Tchétché D, Dumonteil N, Sauguet A, Descoutures F, Luz A, Garcia O, Soula P, Gabiache Y, Fournial G, Marcheix B, Carrié D, Fajadet J
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The Official Journal of EuroPCR and the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI)

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Science Edition (Clarivate Analytics, 2024)
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