
Apr 12, 2010
Paclitaxel and sirolimus eluting stents versus bare metal stents: long-term risk of stent thrombosis and other outcomes
Jensen L, Tilsted H, Thayssen P, Kaltoft A, Maeng M, Lassen JF, Noerregaard Hansen K, Madsen M, Ravkilde J, Johnsen S, Sørensen H, Thuesen L

Apr 12, 2010
Long-term follow-up (four years) of unprotected left main coronary artery disease treated with paclitaxel-eluting stents (from the TRUE Registry)
Godino C, Parodi G, Furuichi S, Latib A, Barbagallo R, Goktekin O, Cera M, Mueller R, Tamburino C, Grube E, Di Mario C, Reimers B, Chieffo A, Antoniucci D, Colombo A, Sangiorgi G

Apr 12, 2010
Between-centre reproducibility of volumetric intravascular ultrasound radiofrequency-based analyses in mild-tomoderate coronary atherosclerosis: an international multicentre study
Huisman J, Egede R, Rdzanek A, Böse D, Erbel R, Kochman J, Jensen L, Van de Palen J, Hartmann M, Mintz GS, von Birgelen C

Apr 12, 2010
Quantitative assessment of coronary microvascular function in patients with and without epicardial atherosclerosis
Melikian N, Vercauteren S, Fearon W, Cuisset T, MacCarthy P, Davidavicius G, Aarnoudse W, Bartunek J, Vanderheyden M, Wyffels E, Wijns W, Heyndrickx G, Pijls N, De Bruyne B

Apr 12, 2010
Short- and long-term health related quality-of-life and anginal status of the Arterial Revascularisation Therapies Study part II, ARTS-II; sirolimus-eluting stents for the treatment of patients with multivessel coronary artery disease
van Domburg R, Daemen J, Morice M, De Bruyne B, Colombo A, Macaya C, Richardt G, Fajadet J, Hamm C, Van Es G-A, Wittebols K, Macours N, Stoll H, Serruys PW

Apr 12, 2010
Non-culprit lesions detected during primary PCI: treat invasively or follow the guidelines?
Dambrink J, Debrauwere J, van 't Hof AW, Ottervanger J, Gosselink M, Hoorntje J, de Boer M, Suryapranata H

Apr 12, 2010
A European multicentre, randomised study of the MAR-Tyn cobalt chromium tin-coated stent in patients with de novo coronary artery lesions: study design and protocol
Kastrati A, Balducelli M, Di Sciascio G, Moccetti T, Bortone A, Colombo A, Waltenberger J, Hehrlein C

Apr 12, 2010
Impact of adventitial neovascularisation on atherosclerotic plaque composition and vascular remodelling in a porcine model of coronary atherosclerosis
Alviar C, Tellez A, Wallace-Bradley D, Lopez-Berestein G, Sanguino A, Schulz D, Builes A, Ballantyne C, Yang C, Kaluza G, Granada JF

Apr 12, 2010
Renal artery intervention
Zeller T

Apr 12, 2010
Vessel diameter should be taken into account in saphenous stenting
Lozano I, Rondan J, Avanzas P
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