In this issue of EuroIntervention, we have an EAPCI clinical consensus statement on the use of applied coronary physiology for the planning and guidance of PCI; debating the role of CCTA; clinical research on how VA-ECMO could improve outcomes in patients with persistent cardiogenic shock following PCI; the impact of combined chronic kidney disease and diabetes on women who have received DES; Evolut PRO and R devices in biscuspid aortic valve patients in the BIVOLUTX registry; 2-year TMVR outcomes from the CHOICE-MI Registry; changes in mitral regurgitation severity post- TAVI; and more...
Escaned J, Berry C, De Bruyne B, Shabbir A, Collet C, Lee JM, Appelman Y, Barbato E, Biscaglia S, Buszman P, Campo G, Chieffo A, Jeremias A, Paradies V, Piróth Z, Raposo L, Roguin A, Rudolph TK, Sarno G, Sen S, Toth GG, Van Belle E, Zimmermann F, Dudek D, Stefanini G, Tarantini G
Banning A, Sabaté M, Orban M, Gracey J, López-Sobrino T, Massberg S, Kastrati A, Bogaerts K, Adriaenssens T, Berry C, Erglis A, Haine S, Myrmel T, Patel S, Buera I, Sionis A, Vilalta V, Yusuff H, Vrints C, Adlam D, Flather M, Gershlick A
Spirito A, Itchhaporia D, Sartori S, Camenzind E, Chieffo A, Dangas G, Galatius S, Jeger RV, Kandzari D, Kastrati A, Kim H, Kimura T, Leon MB, Mehta LS, Mikhail G, Morice M, Nicolas J, Pileggi B, Serruys PW, Smits PC, Steg PG, Stone GW, Valgimigli M, Vogel B, von Birgelen C, Weisz G, Wijns W, Windecker S, Mehran R
Interventions for valvular disease and heart failure
Tchétché D, Ziviello F, De Biase C, De Backer O, Hovasse T, Leroux L, Petronio AS, Saint-Etienne C, Teles RC, Modine T, Sudre A, Teiger E, Mylotte D, Souteyrand G, Piazza N, Casassus F, Sondergaard L, Angelillis M, Nolasco T, Siddiqui S, Kardys I, Dumonteil N, Van Mieghem NM
Ludwig S, Perrin N, Coisne A, Ben Ali W, Weimann J, Adam M, Petronio AS, Dumonteil N, Sondergaard L, Adamo M, Regazzoli D, Garatti A, Schmidt T, Dahle G, Taramasso M, Walther T, Kempfert J, Obadia J, Chehab O, Tang GH, Latib A, Goel SS, Fam N, Andreas M, Muller DW, Denti P, Praz F, von Bardeleben RS, Granada JF, Modine T, Conradi L