EAPCI Column


EAPCI Focus on the EAPCI Fellowship Grant Committee An interview with the Chair, Flavio L. Ribichini

What is the role of the committee?

The role of the EAPCI Fellowship Grant Committee is two-fold: obtaining industry support for grants and selecting candidates to receive the grants. Collaboration with industry is key: the more grants we obtain, the more possibilities we can offer to fellows; therefore, significant effort goes into negotiating grant support. The opportunity of training at high-volume centres translates into better use of medical devices and improved clinical care in the future. Companies that provide economic support for training are contributing to shaping the future of cardiovascular interventions, mainly in countries where training opportunities are limited.
Selection of the candidates involves all the members of the committee; each candidate is evaluated by 5 committee members, the Chair and the Co-Chair. Each evaluator scores the candidate, and the mean score yields the final ranking. Finally, the grant awardees are allocated to training centres, matching each fellow’s expectations with the potential of the training centre. During our tenure, we awarded an unprecedented number of grants, 14 in 2023 and 15 in 2024, compared to the 4 to 6 grants that were offered annually in the past.

How do EAPCI Fellowship Grants benefit the interventional cardiologist?

The EAPCI Fellowship is, above all, a unique opportunity for making connections across the world, not only from a medical point of view, but also from a cultural perspective, enriching the personal background of the candidate. During their year abroad, fellows train with and learn from world-renowned experts, as well as creating a network of professional contacts, which will be fundamental in their career growth. No less important are the personal relationships, the friendships, and cultural growth that this experience provides, making the can- didates not only better doctors, but also richer human beings.

Who should consider applying for grants?

The EAPCI grants offer the possibility of studying and working hands-on at the most prestigious centres in Europe. To take maximum advantage of this experience, candidates should have completed their specialisation in cardiology and, ideally, have started their training in intervention, so that, during this year, they can develop advanced skills and techniques as well as participate in structured research projects that will improve their methods of understanding, studying and learning. Such intellectual growth is a fundamental component of a global, professional education that goes beyond just techniques.

When does the call for applications open, and how can candidates prepare?

Every year, EAPCI calls for applications during the month of January. Candidates must submit their curriculum vitae and motivation letters, with a clear disclosure of their future plans. Particular attention is given to candidates from coun- tries where training opportunities are limited and who have the willingness and opportunity to bring their experience back to their country of origin.

Although it is not a requisite, candidates are encouraged to provide acceptance letters and details of a dedicated research project, approved by the centre(s) where they would like to train. However, we are well aware that for some young col- leagues it is not easy to make contacts beforehand, and the members of our committee are available and happy to help the best-ranked candidates find a suitable host centre if they are selected for a grant.

What about host centres: how are they chosen, and how can I apply to host a EAPCI Fellowship grant awardee?

Host centres propose themselves to the EAPCI committee, declaring their availability and willingness to take care of the fellows. In the last two years, our committee has significantly enlarged the number of training centres − from nearly 30 to more than 50. We do hope that even more centres will become available in the near future. For those interested in becoming a host centre for the prestigious EAPCI Fellowship, they need to contact the EAPCI secretary and fulfil the requisites published on the EAPCI website.

How can EAPCI members become involved in the work of the EAPCI Fellowship Grant Committee?

Nomination to the Fellowship Grant Committee comes from the EAPCI board. Following the 2024 elections, the new board will decide the new Chair and Co-Chair, who have the responsibility of selecting the members of their committee. I think that the most important characteristic of a committee member is the ability to negotiate with the industry. I believe that, based on a mutual trust between the company and the committee member, this investment in fellows provides excellent outcomes. During my leadership of the committee, I have been supported by an outstanding group of colleagues, and I wish the same fortune to those that will take over our previous work.

Volume 20 Number 10
May 20, 2024
Volume 20 Number 10
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