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EAPCI focus on EuroPCR 2024

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This month, the interventional cardiology community gathers once again, in Paris and online, for EuroPCR 2024, the annual official congress of the EAPCI. The EuroPCR Course Directors have developed an exciting programme combining the latest scientific advances with EuroPCR’s renowned educational content. Be it late-breaking clinical trials and hotline sessions, live cases, learning sessions, or hands-on simulation, participants will enjoy a packed programme and many opportunities to learn and interact with their colleagues. EAPCI members will play an active role throughout the congress, presenting hotline clinical trials, clinical cases and abstracts, as well as participating in the sessions. 

Whilst EuroPCR begins on 14 May, many young interventional cardiologists will gather in Paris on 13 May for the EAPCI-PCR Fellows Course. The Fellows Course is dedicated to early career interventional cardiologists, with its full-day programme. The course is centred around case-based learning, with participants focusing on one unique topic in each session. Each session is built around one case, highlighting the key skills and pitfalls associated with the assessment and treatment of each condition. The presentation and communication skills session allows young interventional cardiologists to develop these skills early in their career and understand what makes the difference between average and exceptional presentations.

In this year’s hotline and late-breaking clinical trials sessions, there are numerous trials of interest to the community. In particular, on Wednesday 15 May, the NOTION-2 trial will be presented by Ole De Backer; this is the first randomised trial of TAVI versus SAVR in younger, low-risk patients with severe tricuspid or bicuspid aortic valve stenosis. The topic is of significant interest to the community, and the results will no doubt provide a topic of discussion for the remainder of the congress. In the same session, the results of “One-month DAPT followed by 5-month Ticagrelor monotherapy in acute coronary syndromes with DCB” and “Early outcomes of a randomised non-inferiority trial comparing TAVI devices: the LANDMARK trial” will also be presented. 

This year’s winners of the EAPCI fellowship grants will have their awards presented in the Main Arena on Thursday 16 May at 10:15. EAPCI fellowship grants support interventional cardiology fellows to undergo a year-long period of training outside of their own country. The EAPCI is committed to equitable access to training for all and has allocated 50% of fellowship grants to men and 50% to women since 2018.

One of the highlights of the congress each year, for many participants, are the live educational cases. This year’s live cases are an exciting combination of structural and coronary cases from European and South African centres. EuroPCR 2024 opens with a live educational case focusing on the treatment of a heavily calcified lesion at Clinique Pasteur in France. 

PCR’s Got Talent is an innovative scientific abstract competition in which many EAPCI members have had their scientific work accepted. Attend all three rounds of PCR’s Got Talent to learn from the high-quality research being carried out by young practitioners worldwide.

The simulation learning room and hands-on lab provide opportunities for practical learning using simulation models – an ideal opportunity to enhance your knowledge of intravascular imaging or practise complication management in a controlled environment. Room 352B hosts the dedicated Nurses and Allied Professionals (NAPs) sessions with abstracts and clinical cases submitted by NAPs as well as sessions built around the needs of the NAP community. New and updated content from the PCR-EAPCI Textbook will be released to complement the congress.

The 2024 edition of EuroPCR will surely be a highly educational event and provide our community with an opportunity to come together to meet, share opinions and learn from each other. 

Volume 20 Number 9
May 10, 2024
Volume 20 Number 9
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The Official Journal of EuroPCR and the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI)

Impact factor: 7.6
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