
DOI: 10.4244/EIJ-E-23-00027

Continuously renewing and at the cutting edge: Welcome to EuroPCR 2023!

Thomas Cuisset1, MD, PhD; Nicolas Dumonteil2, MD; Nieves Gonzalo3, MD, PhD; Emanuele Barbato4, MD, PhD; Bernard D. Prendergast5, DM, FRCP; William Wijns6, MD, PhD; Jean Fajadet7, MD, PhD, FESC

What can you expect from EuroPCR this year?

Exactly what you need − more than ever before we will provide a dedicated focus on the fundamentals of our profoundly successful PCR educational philosophy.

What does this mean for you?

It means a Course that strives for excellence in education, with a patient-centred approach illustrated through case-based discussions. An over-arching commitment to share global experience with a deep respect for diversity, especially with the help of multiple national societies and working groups, numerous collaborations across our specialty, and our seamless integration with EAPCI providing an invaluable contribution through their network, our joint fellows course, and the announcement of key educational grants.

But it does not end here:

We continue our strong and very rewarding collaboration with Women as One (https://womenasone.org/) – a partnership that is intellectually stimulating and marks a renaissance in our approach, bringing many new initiatives and companions to PCR.

The PCR journey is characterised by our continued Search for Excellence in education via multiple routes. During the Course, the roles of each participant in every session are clearly defined to provide maximum benefit to all. Each of the programme faculty has a specific part to play, whether they are the anchorperson, spokesperson, discussant, procedural analyst, imaging expert or chat master. The results of this coordination speak for themselves: participants enjoy an effective educational experience prepared and delivered for their needs by a collaborative team of teachers. This team incorporates their years of experience within PCR, resulting in the creation of the best possible format and mode of delivery. Finally, the learning objectives are clearly announced at each step and for each programme, making it easier for you - the participant - to choose from the many available options and ensure that you experience sessions that are most relevant for you and your practice.

And there is so much more:

– Did you know that the VITAL programme is still very active in helping colleagues to enhance their teaching and communication skills?

– Have you participated in a simulation-based learning session? Still one of our Course priorities, simulation-based learning is delivered by some of our best facilitators and teachers. These sessions (developed with the kind support of Terumo Learning Edge) allow you to immerse yourself through team interaction and discover how to manage rare but potentially severe complications using realistic simulation models.

– Practical sessions and simulation-based learning in imaging and valvular interventions? The “hands-on” sessions propose numerous opportunities to learn new interventions or advance your skills in more familiar procedures. This programme, developed in collaboration with industry partners who are active in the coronary, valve and structural field, allows creation of a continuum from device handling to procedural integration and underscores our philosophy - “never for the first time in a patient”.

– Imaging? Imaging integration is never overlooked, and we have developed sessions with the help of leading interventional imaging specialists that highlight both intra- and extra-vascular imaging tools and their application during procedures and beyond the cath lab.

Science and innovation as well

– The highly popular PCR Innovators Day programme is back on Monday - the place for all stakeholders in the innovation ecosystem to meet and network.

▫ The Jon de Haan competition will take place during this special day, and we look forward to the presentation of novel technologies that will help patients in the near future. This competition is supported by a very generous award from the Jon de Haan Foundation, and PCR are very grateful for their support and engagement.

– Essential trials, hotlines and trial updates will be presented in dedicated sessions throughout the Course.

– Trials which are deemed to have the greatest impact on our practice will be highlighted in different ways. New this year, their value will be assessed and scrutinised with the help of the PCR Clinical Research Team.

A timely Ethica Award

This year, the Ethica Award will be given to the “Worldwide Emergency Medical Services” for their amazing work that enables the timely care of STEMI patients.

The question of effective care delivery is critical today and spotlights the work of emergency medical services and emergency and intensive healthcare professionals at every point in the system.

The incredible job accomplished in the cath labs by means of primary angioplasty is insufficient in isolation from the rest. It is therefore imperative that we reach out and help to coordinate early diagnosis, safe transfer en route to care and, after the interventional procedure itself, the creation of strong links between primary care physicians and nurse-led care tracks.

Therefore, while we already have great therapies to offer, we must strive to make them more accessible and available at a faster pace to a greater number of patients. We can do this by helping implement the ever-growing portfolio of life-saving procedures, extending beyond STEMI and NSTEMI reperfusion to include thrombectomy for stroke, thrombus retrieval for massive pulmonary embolism, prevention of systemic embolism using filters or left atrial appendage closure devices – and so much more.

The time has come to create a global system that focuses on improving interaction between different layers of care and resulting in better communication between healthcare professionals and with their patients. Every great procedure is further enabled by careful planning and detailed information for patients and their families, then completed by a personalised follow-up in collaboration with referring colleagues and primary care physicians.

Expanding access to life-saving procedures and transforming the patient experience into an informed continuum of optimal care is one of our principal objectives, and EuroPCR (and its associated PCR Courses) are committed to playing a proactive role in this essential aspect of an effective healthcare system, namely its proper delivery.

Value education – online or in-person

And this is why, even if you are not in Paris at the Course itself, a rich and broad spectrum of “On demand” content will be generated and made available worldwide for those who cannot be present with us. This will be available throughout the week of the Course (and for the following month) and represents a continuously available resource for you and your colleagues.

New this year, programme evaluation will be organised with the help of graders from the Next Gen group, as well as hundreds of PCR companions who volunteered to evaluate sessions while attending. This assessment will allow us to determine which sessions were the best (and not to be missed). In turn, this information will be made available to enrich our educational offering and provide essential feedback to the session delivery team.

EuroIntervention will of course be present with simultaneous publications and a refreshed PCR-EAPCI Textbook (with 3 new and up to 10 updated chapters) will add to this unique educational enterprise, providing contemporary and comprehensive content and visuals as well as additional opportunities for critical clinical reference.

The week in Paris promises to be exciting, energetic and stimulating - and will definitely reward the time you take away from home and daily work. The teams at Europa Organisation have once again done a wonderful job in carefully designing the most enabling environment for our exchanges. We thank them for their dedication and for providing such superb service to our community.

So, whether you attend onsite or online – join the PCR companionship – we very much look forward to welcoming you!

Volume 19 Number 1
May 12, 2023
Volume 19 Number 1
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Impact factor: 7.6
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