TR and leads


Mar 6
TR and leads
Martin Andreas, Andreas Zirlik, et al.
The study discusses the improved surgical and interventional treatment options for cardiac implantable electronic device-related tricuspid regurgitation, emphasizing the need for specialized expertise and a multidisciplinary approach.

Original Research

Mar 4
Endocardial lead patient outcomes in bRIGHT
Björn Goebel, Erwan Donal, et al.
The bRIGHT EU PAS study found that tricuspid transcatheter edge-to-edge repair using the TriClip system was safe and effective in patients with tricuspid regurgitation and endocardial leads across the tricuspid valve.
Endocardial lead patient outcomes in bRIGHT


Mar 3
A new issue of EuroIntervention

Tricuspid TEER in patients with endocardial leads; managing TR with the K-Clip tricuspid annuloplasty system; plug- vs suture-based vascular closure after TAVI; SAPIEN 3 Ultra sizing; and more

A new issue of EuroIntervention


Feb 27
Proton pump inhibitors in cardiovascular patients
Deepak L. Bhatt
The content discusses the controversy around whether proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) raise ischemic risk in the context of dual antiplatelet therapy, and emphasizes that PPIs should be utilized in appropriately selected patients to provide protection against gastrointestinal bleeding.

Original Research

Feb 26
Impact of PPIs in post-MI patients taking DAPT
Danbee Kang, Joo-Yong Hahn, et al.
This study found that in patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention and receiving dual antiplatelet therapy, the use of proton pump inhibitors significantly reduced the risk of major gastrointestinal bleeding without increasing ischemic events.
Impact of PPIs in post-MI patients taking DAPT


Feb 25
Imaging-guided non-culprit lesion assessment
Roberto Diletti, Jacob J. Elscot
Patients presenting with acute myocardial infarction often have multiple high-risk coronary artery lesions, and there is increasing evidence advocating for routine imaging-guided complete revascularization.

Original Research

Feb 24
OCT outperforms μQFR in AMI prognostic value
Xueming Xu, Bo Yu, et al.
This study compared the prognostic value of OCT-defined TCFA and μQFR in predicting long-term clinical outcomes of non-culprit lesions in AMI patients, finding that OCT-TCFA was a stronger independent predictor than μQFR.
OCT outperforms μQFR in AMI prognostic value
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A double transcatheter valve replacement


Mar 5
A double transcatheter valve replacement
Guillaume Leurent, Vincent Auffret, et al.
A 75-year-old woman with severe secondary mitral and tricuspid regurgitation underwent successful transcatheter mitral and tricuspid valve replacements, highlighting the role of valve replacement in selected cases.

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Research Correspondence

Feb 21
Radial wall strain in carotid plaques
Shiteng Suo, Shengxian Tu, et al.
This study found that maximum radial wall strain (RWSmax) was an independent predictor of carotid stenosis risk, beyond traditional measures of stenosis severity.
Radial wall strain in carotid plaques


Feb 20
Necessity of completeness in multivessel acute MI
Pieter C. Smits, Valeria Paradies
A network meta-analysis found that complete revascularization, whether angiography- or physiology-guided, reduces recurrent myocardial infarction compared to culprit-only revascularization in STEMI patients.


Feb 18
Revascularisation completeness, timing and guidance for MI and MV-CAD
Claudio Laudani, Davide Capodanno, et al.
In patients with acute myocardial infarction and multivessel coronary artery disease, immediate complete revascularization, whether angiographically or functionally guided, reduces recurrent myocardial infarction and repeat revascularization compared to infarct-related artery-only revascularization and staged complete revascularization.
Revascularisation completeness, timing and guidance for MI and MV-CAD


Feb 17
A new issue of EuroIntervention

This issue of EuroIntervention brings you a meta-analysis on the completeness, timing and guidance of revascularisation strategies for myocardial infarction and multivessel coronary artery disease; original research looking at whether the assessment of non-culprit lesions by OCT or μQFR offers the best prognostic value for acute myocardial infarction patients; a large nationwide Korean study on the impact of proton pump inhibitors in post-myocardial infarction patients on dual antiplatelet therapy; and a research correspondence on a novel method for risk stratification concerning plaque vulnerability looking at radial wall strain in carotid plaques. There is also news from the EAPCI; and more.

A new issue of EuroIntervention


Feb 14
Coronary stenosis evaluation in diabetes mellitus
Nieves Gonzalo, Marco Lombardi
A subanalysis of the FLAVOUR trial found that FFR and IVUS offer comparable outcomes in guiding PCI for intermediate low-complexity coronary lesions, regardless of diabetic status.

Original Research

Feb 13
Impact of diabetes on FFR- and IVUS-guided PCI
Sung Woo Cho, Joon-Hyung Doh, et al.
In patients with intermediate coronary stenosis and low lesion complexity, FFR guidance had no significant differences in MACE or TVF, with a lower frequency of PCI compared to IVUS guidance, regardless of diabetes status.
Impact of diabetes on FFR- and IVUS-guided PCI

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The Official Journal of EuroPCR and the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI)

Impact factor: 7.6
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Science Edition (Clarivate Analytics, 2024)
Online ISSN 1969-6213 - Print ISSN 1774-024X
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