
Jan 20, 2009
Serruys PW

Jan 20, 2009
The gender paradox
Presbitero P

Jan 20, 2009
Meeting report. ESC Forum on Drug Eluting Stents, European Heart House, Nice, 27-28 September 2007
Daemen J, Simoons M, Wijns W, Bagust A, Bos G, Bowen J, Braunwald E, Camenzind E, Chevalier B, Di Mario C, Fajadet J, Gitt A, Guagliumi G, Hillege H, James S, Jüni P, Kastrati A, Kloth S, Kristensen SD, Krucoff M, Legrand V, Pfisterer M, Rothman M, Serruys PW, Silber S, Steg G, Tariah I, Wallentin L, Windecker S

Jan 20, 2009
Effect of percutaneous mitral repair with the MitraClip® device on mitral valve area and gradient
Herrmann H, Kar S, Siegel R, Fail P, Loghin C, Lim S, Hahn R, Rogers J, Bommer W, Wang A, Berke A, Lerakis S, Kramer P, Chiu Wong S, Foster E, Glower D, Feldman T

Jan 20, 2009
Twelve month clinical and angiographic outcome after stenting of unprotected left main coronary artery stenosis with paclitaxel-eluting stents – results of the multicentre FRIEND registry
Carrié D, Eltchaninoff H, Lefèvre T, Silvestri M, Levy G, Maupas E, Brunel P, Fajadet J, Le Breton H, Gilard M, Blanchard D, Glatt B

Jan 20, 2009
Long-term follow-up of percutaneous coronary intervention of unprotected left main lesions with drug eluting stents: predictors of clinical outcome
Pavei A, Oreglia J, Martin G, Tousek P, Sharif F, Farah B, Sauguet A, Fajadet J

Jan 20, 2009
Dual quantitative coronary angiography: a novel approach to quantify intracoronary thrombotic burden
Aleong G, Vaqueriza D, del Valle R, Garcia H, Hernandez R, Alfonso F, Jiménez-Quevedo P, Banuelos C, Macaya C, Escaned J

Jan 20, 2009
Initial evidence for the return of coronary vasoreactivity following the absorption of bioabsorbable magnesium alloy coronary stents
Ghimire G, Spiro J, Kharbanda R, Roughton M, Barlis P, Mason M, Ilsley C, Di Mario C, Erbel R, Waksman R, Dalby M

Jan 20, 2009
Predictors for very late stent thrombosis after drug-eluting stent implantation in diabetic patients
Voudris V, Kariofillis P, Thomopoulou S, Patsilinakos S, Manginas A, Spargias C, Pavlides G, Cokkinos D
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