EAPCI Nurses and Allied Professions Committee

EAPCI Nurses and Allied Professions Committee

David Sparv and Salomé Coelho, Chair and Co-chair, respectively

What is the role of the Nurses and Allied Professions Committee?

The role of the Nurses and Allied Professions (NAPs) Committee is to represent European nurses and allied professionals working in the field of interventional cardiology. Furthermore, the committee strives to improve the level of competency throughout Europe by continuous education and professional development.

What are the objectives and future plans of your committee?

The NAPs Committee was founded in 2014 and started out by designing an organisational framework, consisting of four working groups: education, networking, EuroPCR and research facilitation. The focus of the first term was mainly on the development of educational guidance, which resulted in the Nurses and Allied Professions Core Curriculum, finalised in May 2016.

For the next two years, the main objective of the committee is to continue the integration of the curriculum into the ESCeL educational platform. This will provide NAPs with a powerful tool for education and development, and also constitute an important step towards pan-European education accreditation and future certification. Concomitantly, the committee will develop a NAPs Fellows Course where the curriculum will be the educational foundation.

Another important objective is to create and maintain a European network for NAPs by way of different forms of media such as social platforms, webinars and online workshops. The network group will also be a part of the EAPCI Website & Communication Committee. Together they will work towards a uniform strategy for networking and communication. This will also be vital for the future implementation phase of the Core Curriculum.

In addition, the research group is currently planning a consensus document project regarding NAP competency in the cathlab. The objective and primary endpoint will be presented soon on the website of the EAPCI NAPs Committee.

David Sparv, RN, BSc, FESC

Head of CICU/ Coronary Cathlab, Skane University Hospital, Lund, Sweden

Salomé Coelho, RN Hospital and University Centre, Coimbra, Portugal


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Volume 12 Number 12
Dec 20, 2016
Volume 12 Number 12
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Science Edition (Clarivate Analytics, 2024)
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