In this issue of EuroIntervention, we begin with a debate on whether an invasive functional diagnosis of angina or ischaemia with non-obstructive coronary arteries (ANOCA and INOCA) should become routine. Original research articles concern the significance of COVADIS criteria in acetylcholine testing; testing a novel sirolimus drug-coated balloon (DCB) versus paclitaxel DCBs in coronary bifurcation lesions in the SPACIOUS trial; and the ULTRA-BIFURCAT registry, which looked at final kissing balloon inflation in bifurcation lesions. There is a flashlight proposing a novel training method for emergency endovascular stroke interventions; an EAPCI focus on the Valvular and Structural Heart Interventions Committee; and more...
Original Research
Prognostic significance of individual COVADIS criteria in patients undergoing acetylcholine provocation testing
Rinaldi R, Russo M, Torre I, Colucci M, Caffè A, Scarica V, Animati F, Manzato M, Bonanni A, Lenkowicz J, Tudor A, Liuzzo G, Sanna T, Lanza G, Leone A, Trani C, Burzotta F, Crea F, Montone R
Sirolimus-coated versus paclitaxel-coated balloons for bifurcated coronary lesions in the side branch: the SPACIOUS trial
Zhou Y, Hu Y, Zhao X, Chen Z, Li C, Ma L, Liu Z, Zhou H, Zang X, Zhang X, Zhang G, Cui Z, Liu Y, Han S, Wu L, Shi H, Jiang J, Qian J, Lu H, Ge J
Final kissing balloon dilatation in patients with coronary bifurcation lesions treated with an upfront provisional stenting strategy
Filippo O, Kang J, Bruno F, Song YB, Campagnuolo S, Choi KH, Pinxterhuis T, Kim HK, Mattesini A, Cho Y, Piccolo R, Lee H, Wańha W, Cortese B, Han SH, Perl L, Hur S-H, Tuttolomondo D, Iannaccone M, Chun WJ, Greco A, Leone A, Giachet A, Gwon H, Stefanini G, Kim H, Escaned J, Carmeci A, Campo G, Patti G, Capodanno D, von Birgelen C, Koo B, De Ferrari G, Nam C, D’ascenzo F