PT - Journal Article TI - Incidence of procedural myocardial infarction and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging-detected myocardial injury following percutaneous coronary intervention with rotational atherectomy AU - McEntegart, Margaret B. AU - Corcoran, David AU - Carrick, David AU - Clerfond, Guillaume AU - Sidik, Novalia AU - Collison, Damien AU - Robertson, Keith R. AU - Shaukat, Aadil AU - Watkins, Stuart AU - Rocchicholi, Paul R. AU - Eteiba, Hany AU - Petrie, Mark C. AU - Lindsay, Mitchell M. AU - Oldroyd, Keith G. AU - Berry, Colin DP - 2018 TA - EuroIntervention PG - 819-823 VI - 14 IP - 7 AID - 10.4244/EIJ-D-17-01077 [doi] 4100 -