PT - Journal Article TI - A randomised comparison of incidence of radial artery occlusion and symptomatic radial artery spasm associated with elective transradial coronary intervention using 6.5 Fr SheathLess Eaucath Guiding Catheter vs. 6.0 Fr Glidesheath Slender AU - Horie, Kazunori AU - Tada, Norio AU - Isawa, Tsuyoshi AU - Matsumoto, Takashi AU - Taguri, Masataka AU - Kato, Shigeaki AU - Honda, Taku AU - Ootomo, Tatsushi AU - Inoue, Naoto DP - 2018 TA - EuroIntervention PG - 2018-2025 VI - 13 IP - 17 AID - 10.4244/EIJ-D-17-00239 [doi] 4100 -